
Showing posts from September, 2022
  The Best Ways To Stop Wasting Time Do you ever feel as though time is passing you by? As like you're always doing more but running out of time to do what you truly enjoy doing? . . . You're not alone, after all. The majority of us are guilty of using services like Netflix, Instagram, and others excessively. However, there are also a lot of other ways we frequently spend our time that we don't feel bad about. Things include being too hard on ourselves, being overly stubborn, or getting easily sidetracked, as well as saying "yes" to too many commitments and wearing ourselves thin. A busy life is a life squandered, as Francis Crick once stated. The fact is, we're all concerned about squandering our lives. So, how can we prevent it? Here are some ideas: Observe macro-goals, Nano Quotas We frequently waste our time because we become overly elated or motivated too quickly, and then quit before we should. When we come across