Do we really need to consider mental health! What is it?

 Mental health explains a relation to thought process, way somebody behave, and expressive well-being. It usually refers the behaviors of people to others as well as to their own selves. Mental health defines that there is no mental issue.

If you are mentally sick your daily living and relations with others, even your whole body is disturbed. If you look after your mental health you can be able to enjoy your daily life. It means you accomplish your daily goals and activities such as responsibilities and peace of mind and body. Tension, sadness, and apprehension can be the cause of mental health and upset a person’s life. Even though health professionals frequently exploit the term mental health, doctors distinguish that most of the cases regarding psychological disorders have physical roots.

  This article explains what people mean by mental health and mental illness. We also describe the most common types of mental disorders, including their early signs and how to treat them.


According to World Health Organization (WHO)

“Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community.”

The WHO defines that mental health is “more than just the absence of mental disorders or disabilities.” hitting the highest point of mental health is not only about supervising active circumstances but also up keeping constant good health and contentment.    

And also emphasizes that maintaining and energizing mental health is essential on your own to community and society level.

In the United States, the National Alliance on Mental Illness estimates that almost 1 in 5 adults experience mental health problems each year.

In 2020, an estimated 14.2 million adults Trusted Source in the U.S., or about 5.6%, had a serious psychological condition, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).    

Leading Cause of Mental Disability   

Now a days mostly people are facing mental issues apart from their region gender age or background.

Considering the societal and financial position, unpleasant upbringing, genetic factor and core medical situation can all be the responsible for a person’s mental state.

People with a psychological health mess have more than one condition at a time.

Mental stability varies on a frail poise of factor and that numerous essentials are leading cause to develop these disorders.

The following factors can contribute to mental health disruptions.


Continuous social and economic

If a person is lacking of financial resources or relating to marginalized or victimized cultural cluster may amplify the risk for mental disorder

2015 Iranian study Trusted Source describes several socioeconomic causes of mental health conditions, including famine and living on the border of a large city.

They also elaborate variable and non variable factors that influence the accessibility and excellence of mental health cure for firm groups.

Variable factor for mental health disorders include:

  • socioeconomic conditions, for instance whether employment is accessible in the local area
  • profession
  • a person’s altitude of public attachment
  • schooling
  • shelter class
  • sexual category

Non variable factors include:

  • sex
  • age
  • background
  • ethnic group


The researchers establish that being female higher the chance of mental health condition approximately 4 times. People with a “low income or poverty” also scored top for mental health situation in this study.

Infancy hardship

Numerous studies Trusted support that unpleasant childhood experiences such as child mistreatment, parental loss, parental disconnection, and parental infirmity significantly affect a growing child’s mental and physical health.

There are also associations between upbringing mistreatment and other unpleasant incidents with a variety of psychotic disorders. These experiences also make people vulnerable to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


Genetic factors

The NIMH suggests that biological factors can increase the likelihood of mental health state as precise genes and DNA deviation lead a human being at top danger.

Although, many other factors enhances the chances of such disorders.

Having a DNA linked with a mental health disorder does not promise that a disease will develop. Similarly people who are not belong to mental disorder family genes still have probability to have such illness

Persistent stress and mental health state of affairs such as desperation and apprehension may widen due to core physical diseases, for instance cancerdiabetes, and chronic pain.


Types of mental health disorders

Precise mental illness are combined with each other because of the similar specifications. These are as follows:

Anxiety disorders

Anxiety is most common mental illness. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, a person with such state has brutal panic or anxiety associated with precise things or circumstances. Most people with an anxiety chaos try to keep away from disclosure to whatever activate their anxiety.

Some examples of anxiety illness are!

Generalized anxiety disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) engages extreme panic that interrupts routine life.

Physical signs includes..!

A stretch of anxiety signs does not essentially require an explicit cause in people with GAD. People with such mental conditions may face more anxiety when facing daily routine that are not directly involve fear, for instance everyday jobs and appointments, GAD people without trigger can still feel anxiety symptoms

Panic disorder

Panic attacks can be problem in panic disorder that involves rapid, irresistible fear or a sense of forthcoming tragedy and deaths.


There are different types of phobia:

  • Simple phobias: These may involve a inconsistent nervousness of definite things, circumstances, or natural world. A fear of lizards is a distinctive case.
  • Social phobia: social anxiety is also called social phobia. In this case people use to reluctant and get scared being a subject or a judgment to others opinion. That is why social phobia people make their social activities
  • Agoraphobia: Agoraphobia classifies a situation where going away makes trouble, for example to be in pulley or in a moving train; mostly people get confused it with the fear a going outside.
  •  Phobias are extremely at individual level, mental health therapist do not have knowledge about every type. There could be numerous phobias which are unusual for one person but can be life threaten events for anyone else’s life.
  • OCD

People with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are so crazy they eagerly needs to repeat actions and its not in their control, for example washing or cleaning hands again and again.


This term defines as when a person had a very bad tragedy or being a witness of some trauma or dreadful event can make his life change as he will think that he or the other people’s lives are in trouble. That type of person’s thoughts is not in his control it always trigger his mind with such thoughts.

Mood disorders

People may describe it as sentimental disorders. Those who suffering often have mood fluctuations sometimes they are happy and other times they are sad. Sometimes these people are in full of energy and happiness that no one even can notice there extreme depression side. Examples of mood disorders include:

  • Major depression: A human being with major depression feels a steady stumpy mood and lack of interest in actions and procedures that they have enjoyed in the past. They can experience a constant low mood for a very long period.
  • Bipolar disorder: A person with bipolar disorder has familiarity unusual changes Trusted Source in their temper, energy levels and actions regarding daily routine life. Stage of lofty mood is known as overexcited phases, at the same time depressive stage convey on down mood. 
  •  Seasonal affective disorder (SAD): compact daytime during the autmn, winter, and before spring time activate this type of major depression Trusted Source. Mostly common in state far away from the equator.

Schizophrenia disorder

The word schizophrenia frequently defines to a field of chaos characterize by mental illness and many other signs. These are highly composite situation.

According to the NIMH, signs of schizophrenia typically develop between the ages of 16 and 30 Trusted Source. The individual will have beliefs that become visible scrappy and difficult to progress information.

Schizophrenia has negative and positive symptoms. Positive symptoms consist of fantasy, reflection disorders, and hallucinations, while leaving, lack of enthusiasm, and an even or improper mood are examples of negative symptoms.

 Early signs

No physical examine or search constantly indicate whether a person has developed a mental health disease. On the other hand, people should be careful for the following as sufficient signs of a mental health disorder:

  • moving back from family, colleagues and friends
  • they get exhausted with the same activities that they enjoyed in the past
  • sleeping too much or too little
  • eating too much or too little
  • feeling unpromising
  • having again and again low oomph
  • people use to obtain drugs and cigrretts at regular basis
  • flaunt negative emotions
  • being confused
  • not able to complete daily tasks cooking cleaning etc
  • having constant thoughts or memories that recur frequently
  • having thoughts to injure and harm their own selves or others
  • hearing voices
  • having delusions


Diagnosing a person’s mental health needs a very lengthy process. Doctor will examine a series of blood test and screening for other related reasons to get mental illness. They also observe a person by their behavior during examination. Sometimes they acquire a psychological test that includes emotional, behavioral, past incidents, parents behavior, social networking and many other self related and surroundings questionnaire that will help to know exact mental condition of a person for treatment.


There is a variety of technique for supervision of mental health disease. Treatment is vastly depending on person to person and what cure one may not be the same for other. Patient needs to be engaged with doctor for every thought and should proceed with doctor consultation.

Below are some treatment options for people with mental ill health.

Psychotherapy, or talking therapies

·         This type of treatment takes a psychological approach to treating mental illness

·          Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

·         Psychodynamic Therapy.

·         Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

·         Humanistic/Experiential Therapy.


Some people take prescribed medications, such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, and anxiolytic drugs.

Although these cannot cure mental disorders, some medications can improve symptoms and help a person resume social interaction and a routine while working on their mental health.

Some of these medications boost the body’s absorption of feel-good chemicals, such as serotonin, from the brain. Other drugs either boost the overall levels of these chemicals or prevent their degradation or destruction.


A person coping with mental health difficulties may need to change their lifestyle to facilitate wellness.

Such changes can include reducing alcohol intake, sleeping more, and eating a balanced, nutritious diet. People may need to take time away from work or resolve issues with personal relationships that may be causing damage to their mental health.

People with conditions such as anxiety or depressive disorder may benefit from relaxation techniques, which include deep breathingmeditation, and mindfulness.

Having a support network, whether via self-help groups or close friends and family, can also be essential to recovery from mental illness.

Myths vs. facts about mental health

There are several commonly held beliefs and misconceptions about mental health. Here are some examples.

Myth: A person with a mental illness has low brainpower.

Fact: Mental health disorder can influence any individual apart from                                                  

Myth: Teenagers don’t suffer mental illness. Fluctuation of harmones can be the cause of mood swings.                                       

Fact: although it’s a fact teenagers frequently have mood swings,but they also have mental health disorder it use to occure mostly at the age of 14

Myth: People with mental health illnesses are unpredictable violent and sometimes dangerous.      

Fact only 5% of crimes are makeup by severe mental disorder people. Mostly healthy mind people do such crimes

Myth: Psychiatric medications are harmful.

Fact: Mental illnesses, like other health conditions, are real illnesses. These medications may be necessary to help them function normally, ease their symptoms, and improve their quality of life. They are not harmful or an “excuse” for people to avoid dealing with their problems.

Myth: People with bipolar disorder are moody.

Fact: Bipolar cycles last from weeks to months and do not change as fast as people’s moods often do.

Myth: A person with a mental health condition is weak. Such conditions would not affect strong people.

Fact: Having a mental health condition is beyond choice or willpower. Anyone can have a mental health condition.

Myth: Bad parenting causes adolescents to have mental health conditions.

Fact: Having a mental health condition is beyond choice or willpower. Anyone can have a mental health condition.

Myth: Bad parenting causes adolescents to have mental health conditions.

Fact: Many adverse experiences and factors may influence a person’s mental health and well-being. Adolescents’ relationships with their parents and family are just one factor. A person raised in supportive and loving homes and those raised in homes maintained by caregivers who need mental support can experience mental health difficulties equally.

Myth: People with mental health needs cannot keep and perform well in a job.

Fact: People with mental health conditions can perform well in a job , especially in a supportive workplace that supports and promotes mental health.

How to maintain your mental health

Practicing self-care can help improve a person’s mental health by reducing a person’s risk of illness, increasing energy levels, and managing stress. The NIMH offers several tips Trusted Source to help a person begin with their self-care routine:

  • Regular exercise: Exercising for 45 minutes, three to five times a week, can significantly Trusted Source improve mental health.
  • Eat a balanced diet and stay hydrated: Eating a nourishing, balanced diet and staying hydrated can give a constant supply of energy throughout the day.
  • Aim for good-quality sleep: A 2021 review of multiple studies found that more significant improvements in sleep quality led to greater improvements in a person’s mental health.
  • Perform relaxing activities: Breathing exercises, meditation, wellness apps, and journaling can help reduce stress and improve overall health and well-being.
  • Practice gratefulness: People can practice mindfulness and gratitude by actively identifying things they are grateful for daily.
  • Challenge negative thoughts: A person can practice positivity by becoming aware of their negative and unhelpful thoughts and challenging them.
  • Look for positive social interactions: Connecting and maintaining meaningful connections and relationships reduces stress and can also be a source of support and practical help in times of need.

Suicide prevention

If you know someone at immediate risk of self-harm, suicide, or hurting another person:

  • Ask the tough question: “Are you considering suicide?”
  • Listen to the person without judgment.
  • Stay with the person until professional help arrives.
  • Try to remove any weapons, medications, or other potentially harmful objects.

If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, a prevention hotline can help.


While mental health disorders are common, they vary in severity. Most people can manage their symptoms and lead full lives with the proper treatment and access to support.

For others, recovery may not look like going back to their lives before the mental health disorder but learning new ways to cope and gaining more control over their lives.

The prevalence of mental disorders tends to peak in people ages but drops significantly in people aged 50 and over.

Having a mental health problem, especially depression, is strongly associated with severe chronic health conditions such as diabetesstrokehypertensioncancer, and heart disease.


The term mental health refers to a person’s cognitive, behavioral, and emotional well-being. It affects how people react to stressors, engage with others, and make choices.

According to the WHO peak mental health is more than just the absence of mental health problems. It is the ability to manage existing conditions and stressors while maintaining ongoing wellness and happiness.

Factors such as stress, depression, and anxiety can all negatively affect mental health and disrupt a person’s routine.





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