How does diabetes affect your body?

 When diabetes is not being treated medically it can affect your health in a major way. You can be patient with several diseases regarding your major body organs which play a key role in your overall health system. Such as kidneys, pancreas, heart and blood vessels, digestive system, lungs, and brain.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease that damages your body organs slowly, it's a chronic disease, and it is directly linked to your pancreas, the pancreas is located beneath your abdomen, the size of the pancreas is just about the human hand, when you eat food, your body turned your food into glucose which directly goes in your blood and triggers your pancreas to release insulin, insulin turned your glucose into energy.

And when your pancreas is not working effectively,

And not releasing as much insulin as your body required. Blood sugar stays in your body for a long time, and comes out serious health problems that include heart disease, kidney diseases, and eyesight problems.


Diabetes symptoms:

Sometimes we ignore the symptoms that are body indicates about diabetes here are these;

·        Sometimes we ignore hints that are body indicates about diabetes, these are;

·        We need to pee a lot frequently at night

·        We need to drink, again and again, as we are always thirsty

·        Automatically weight drops, even if you are not trying to

·        Your eyesight gets affected, you feel foggy and blurred vision

·        When you woke up in the morning or somewhere in the middle of the day time, you feel numbness in your hand or feet, might feel leg cramps.

·         You always feel tired and lethargic.

·         And if you got an incision or wound, it heals very slowly, and if you don't look after your glucose reading, you can end up with the worst situation because of a wound

·         You can be caught up with more infections as compared to non-diabetic people because a diabetic patient has less immunity

Types of diabetes:

·         Diabetes disease has divided into three types because of its nature itself

·         Type 1 diabetes

·         Type 2 diabetes

·         Gestational diabetes

Type 1 diabetes:

In type 1 diabetes your body is the enemy of your insulin your immune system destroys insulin and makes cells in your pancreas, these cells are called beta cells. Type one mostly occurs in infants’ children and young adults it can be confused with type 2 diabetes because most doctors get confused about whether it is type 1 or type 2.

If we talk about children, a child who is not wetting his bed but suddenly has a large intake of water and other fluids and making their bed wet, welcome to type 1 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes:

Type 2 diabetes also known as insulin resistance is due to obesity or hormonal changes and inactive life can be the reason for type 2 diabetes. Kids can also get affected but in most cases, it is diagnosed in Asians at the age of 25-45, or you might have a family history such as one of your parents being diabetic. It’s more common in people who are American Indian, Asian American Pacific Islander, or African American. If you are not physically active and have high blood pressure you have a high chance of getting type 2 diabetes.        

Gestational diabetes:  It is directly related to pregnant women. During pregnancy, your placenta release a hormone that builds up glucose in your bloodstream usually your placenta can release enough insulin to cover it but if your body can not produce as much insulin to handle or your body stops using pancreas insulin you can be a patient of gestational diabetes. it affects 30% of the women in Asian countries it occurs in non-diabetic women who never had a diabetes history.

This term can be divided into two classifications:

A1: it can manage through exercise and diet

A2:  cannot control with diet and exercise rather than you to take medicines and inject insulin

Gestational diabetes disappears after giving birth but can affect your baby's health. You need to check it at the 24th week of pregnancy for the safety of your child.


If we obtain a healthy lifestyle we could overcome the disease.  We need to exercise, cut sugary foods and preservatives from our life and replace it with fresh vegetables and fruits. Drink plenty of water and detoxify your body. You can delay the chances of getting such a disease.








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